The premiere of ELVIS in Australia was magnificent!
At the studio we have much anticipated this film, as has the rest of the world!
I couldn’t be prouder of our studio alumni, colleagues and friends who had the honour of working on this film.
Meg even had her own stunt double by the time shooting had wrapped.
Working on big projects such as these requires extreme professionalism, patience and training. Offer the Director something: a movement; well thought out character; charisma. Meg’s training kicked into gear when working with Baz and he saw her potential. Before you know it she was working closely with him and improvising scenes and moments that are highlighted in the movie.
Congratulations to Baz Luhrmann and his incredible cast and crew for producing this masterpiece. An artistic, historical and heartfelt account of Elvis, his music and the cultural landscape that shaped him into one of the most iconic performers of all time. Thank you for giving substance to art and keeping artistic integrity alive 🙌
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